Beep, beep, beep!
What was that? Is it the washing machine? The dryer? Dishwasher? They all sound the same. Wait a second. Ah, yes, it’s the washing machine. The dishwasher beeps once. The dryer repeats every 10 minutes for half an hour and then gives up. It’s the washer. It beeps every three seconds until you turn it off. I don’t know how long it would keep beeping before giving up because it’s so annoying, I immediately go running toward it to get it to stop. By the time I get there, at a full run, it seems to me it has beeped 3,000 times, but I may be exaggerating. Even at my fastest, I’ve never made it to the machine before the fourth beep. In any case, I have looked into what it would cost to simply wear disposable clothing, just so I never have to hear my washer make that godawful noise.
The microwave beeps three times when it’s finished. So does the electric kettle. But, the kettle’s beep has a higher pitch. The toaster has the good sense to simply pop up without fanfare. Even so, in the morning, when I am barely awake, I have checked the microwave or the toaster for my tea, even though I haven’t actually made it yet, because that was the kettle.
I spent last week dog sitting at my son’s house where both the refrigerator and the stovetop beeped at me. I left the fridge open too long while putting away groceries and I put a wooden spoon down on the LED buttons of the stovetop. Silly me.
I take medicine three times a day, so my cell phone beeps to remind me. On Thursdays, I pick up one of the grandchildren from day care and my phone reminds me of this three times. Once at 9am, to tell me that today is Grandchild Day, so plan your day accordingly. The second time to tell me to go put on my shoes and leave. And the third time to ask me if I’ve left yet, and if not, move your butt! (ADHD is annoying.)
All day long, things are beeping at me. I think that if you buy something, either at a brick and mortar store or online, they should let you hear the beeps before you buy it. I had an egg cooker once that scared the crap out of me for years.
I’m seriously considering setting an alarm on my watch the next time I wash my clothes to remind me to go stand next to the washer so I can turn the damn thing off the second that washing machine BEEEEEEEEEEEP, BEEEEEEEEEEEP, BEEEEEEEEEEP starts.
So it is in this modern society. Never once have I asked to be reminded of things that I may have forgotten nor to be badgered for my indifferrence in remem….,damn, there goes the microwave! Tata!